Saturday, 29 October 2011


I chose BUILDAR for my 4th technique for the presentation.
I have made cliff landscape out of rubbish cardboard (recycling)
Instead of make the box again, i thought it would be good to have actual cliff landscape
and the markers sit on it, so it shows the concept of real vs virtual.
I was also able to figure out how to link video file on the markers by using flash and java coding.
they were all shown in my presentation.





Interactive PDF File Link

My concept of an interactive PDF is minimalism, like Ian Moore's architectural concept.
Instead of having multiple pages, i made it to have One big size page.
where it can be all shown without turning pages.
It will make everything clear and simple to follow.
I have tried to make "rollover menu bar", "rollover pop up", "fly in and out" animation in Indesign.
but it failed in Acrobat which got me not much option for make this PDF interactive.
so i came up with an idea that i make an interactive video, using after effect.
the information words are made in a video.
(Click here to check out the info video)
it makes the PDF interactive as it zooms itself and follow
through each topic.
beside this video and other normal videos,
i managed to do "hide and show" for rollover pop up pictures.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Video five - Crysis Final Video.

Final Crysis Video

Part One - Tetris Architecture Intro
Part Two - Tetris Architecture Detail

Video Four - Interactive PDF Information Video

Interactive PDF Information Video

I have tried to make interactive PDF, interactive as possible
however, all the animations that ive done in Indesign such as rollover menu,
zoom in, scale, fly in and everything  didnt show up on Adobe Acrobat.
Only hide and show worked, which i figured for zooming in thumb images.
so I ended up making all information about the architecture as an interesting video in After effect.
As interactive PDF needed fair bit of space for videos, pictures and words, i made this info video.
so it allows heaps information (words) to be contained in a small space, as it will be zoomed in the words, the reader can read topic by topic easily.

Video Two - 3Ds Max Rendered Animation - Full Version

Video Two - 3Ds Max Rendered Animation - Short version

Final Poster and Interactive Poster

Final Poster

Interactive PDF Image
It contains 4 videos

- Intro of the Architecture Video
- Detail of the Architecture Video
- 3Ds Animation Render Video
- Interactive Info Video

and a 3D model with 8 views

All Thumb Images are animated
Roll over to view larger image.

Crysis Images + Final Render Images

Note: Nothing has done in photoshop, 
but in Crysis and in 3Ds MAx

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Draft 500 Words

This Architecture Tetris Building, contains 4 different dramtic shapes of units which has creatively balanced with positive/negative space in open landscape such as cliff side and river side. Two horizontal concrete bases from the cliff and one vertial concrete base on ocean floor hold this tatris shape architecture in balance, right edge of the cliff. The building is accecable by elevator which is built on each levels. Except 2nd unit from the bottom with 3 storeys, the rest has 2 storeys.

This architecture was highly influenced by an Architect, Ian Moore, who is well known with his minimalism and grid shape. This building has gone furthur from Ian Moores basic idea.
Keep the minimalistic grid structure with creative shape.
Positive space vs Negative space.
They create each units with own shape identity, which can be chosen by clients preference.

Open space and Open landscape.
Open space provides a sense of freedom, which overly populated city needs the most. It is important to realise how the surrounding environment changes the way we live, being closed, complicated and stressful.
It will all change to be open, nature friendly and peaceful.
Also the open interior provides a unique opportunity of decoration.
The open space, as indicated by its name, is open to decoration - modern decorative styles such as simplicity concepts or black-and-white concepts would be perfect for decoration of the open space home.
The open space is also architecturally more convenient - it allows easier heating since the air would be trafficking around the premises easily and with no obstacles. Furthermore, with the use of some green technologies, open spaces are more easily transferred into greener homes and they can reduce more energy waste than other closed premises homes.

This Architecture has builted with internal wheels underneath of bottom floor each unit. It will allow clients to remote the movements of the units - move to left,right,front and back. It will provide fair sunlight share to all the units and also creatively provides daily building shape change. There are 96 possiblilities of different shapes of the building.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Collage + Inspiration



Concept: Space & Shape

I found the style that Ian Moore uses the space of his Architecture strongly open
as if there shouldn't be any boundaries between outdoor and indoor. Also the shapes he uses: square/rectangular.
My concept from these is that How the building should interactive with surrounding environment
such as day/night system, weather and natural environment.
Also square/rectangular shape forms rhythm of users movement.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Render Images

(no photoshop)




(no photoshop)

